
Donate to SOFT with Paypal


I began developing Serving Others Forward Together in January 2013. It took ten months full-time effort to research, analyze, develop a strategy, and build the website.

After going through a three-year discernment process myself, I felt Jesus call to use my time and talents for his will. Those talents happened to be in developing new products and ideas.

I read about the need for the church to be more relevant to its members, to meet people where they were, to be more reflective of Christ’s message – to serve others.

I also heard people talking about their need to be connected and to feel part of something that would make an impact on humanity, on their lives, on their families. Through discernment, I developed a strategy combining social connection and serving others to meet people’s needs.

With your help, I feel we can develop this strategy together and begin to change the way we all treat each other, everywhere.

SOFT can provide the means to achieve many goals within a church community – organizing, connecting, and coordinating many committees and small groups; facilitating collaboration, and sharing stories within the parish; while simultaneously providing serving resources to all.

So far, I have funded this project on a guerrilla budget, my time and scarce resources. I am committed to SOFT and making it work. I will do everything I can to ensure SOFT will always be free – to everyone !

On the other side of the ledger though, SOFT will accept donations from anyone who feels it is a good initiative and will make a difference in all of us.

Today, this tool costs $20 per person per year, but does decline a bit with volume. Additionally, startup and website development costs were over $8000.

It will take at least $60,000 per year for a staff member and operating costs.

We will need a lot of help to achieve that requirement. I guarantee all monies will be accounted for on the SOFT website. With phenomenal growth of tribes, which we pray for – AND a reasonable level of donations sustainability is achievable.

SOFT is using PayPal to accept donations. Parishes may want to consider donating a an annual sum to our cause as well, maybe $200-400 depending on parish size?

And last but not least, in-kind donations of time and talent will be very much appreciated – just contact us.

If you want to send a check: Serving Others Forward,  4219 89th St., Urbandale, IA 50322

Thanks for your consideration and potential donation!

Donate to SOFT with Paypal